Three headed world
I remember dreaming of a three headed golden pommel cane some time ago. Going on a vision quest somewhere in Transylvania, this image has transformed into a three headed tree. Wood posts (in aborigenes mythology called kauwa-Auwa) and trees ( like the famous Yaggdrasil) have always been holding the sacredness of our Cosmos against chaos in their role of carrying the axis mundi, the world sacred order (the historian of religions Mircea Eliade writes about this in « the sacred and the profane »). My personal « Axis Mundi » seems to have three heads. Reengaging genuinely in some sort of sacred spirituality with the land is my way of « speaking differently »… from here, I will try and write a story of myself where I go on a « quest » to reconnect with a story of the sacred of nature but trying not to feed in the process a new religious monster in –ism (as in catholicism, judaism, communism or consumerism or even animism, etc…).
And what I receive and build, I wish to share here...
The 3 pages linked here are the three heads of my soul searching
Vision - Transylvania, october 2017
To the East, the child enchants the world gives life to things
But gives life to monsters too
To the South the adult chases away the monsters
Kills the monsters, but then where do the monsters soul go ?
It jumps in the heart of Man
The monster is dead outside but lives inside
The child will free the adult by reenchating the land and
repopulating with creatures
To the West, the adult meets the old man
Which is a child with a white beard
The North has no age, it is the direction with no age
I saw a procession of ghosts going one way and then back
I saw a man floating over the moon
He had a hole in his chest the size of a heart
He laid down and the moon filled the hole,
I think that happened the moment a girl married a snake in another world
Then came children, babies and animals
Then an archipelago of cotton islands in a deep blue sky
An old man and his little grand-daughter
Then I saw the trickster playing with a turtle
It reminded me of the words « Festina Lente », Haste slowly
A Trickster/Hermit sentence
I saw how the realm of the dead and the land of the dreams meet
Father sky at night becomes Hadès – the ruler of the underworld
The earth under our feet is not one
It is three
Demeter, fertile deity
Ge, land and divine
And Chton, the underworld, territory of Hadès and the souls
This is what I saw hanging on the earth looking down at the sky
The clouds left
The sky cleared off
And it became like a dreamless night
I went to sleep