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Writer's picture: Christian PoelmansChristian Poelmans

source "Wiktionary"


Le mot se traduit avec difficulté. On dit que hiraeth (hireth en cornique et hiraezh en breton) sont les seuls synonymes du mot portugais saudade[1].Le mot portugais "saudade" peut être traduit en français par "manque" avec une connotation de nostalgie. exemple: "Tenho saudades do sol" a pour traduction en français "le soleil me manque".


Hiraeth (pronounced [hiraɪ̯θ]) is a Welsh concept of longing for home, which can be loosely translated as 'nostalgia', or, more commonly, 'homesickness'. Many Welsh people claim 'hiraeth' is a word which cannot be translated, meaning more than solely "missing something" or "missing home." To some, it implies the meaning of missing a time, an era, or a person. It is associated with the bittersweet memory of missing something or someone, while being grateful of that/ their existence. Similarly, the Cornish equivalent is ‘hireth’; Welsh and Cornish share common linguistic roots. Hiraeth bears considerable similarities with the Portuguese concept of saudade (a key theme in Fado music), Galician morriña, Romanian dor, Gaelic cianalas, Russian toska (тоска), German Sehnsucht and Ethiopian tizita (ትዝታ).

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